Your workforce requests career planning from your organisation.

They want to plan their development ahead, select projects, and seize career opportunities. And they want to feel valued & supported by the organization.
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Coaching your Workforce for Career Development

Bridge the gap between individual needs and organizational goals

Based on recent employee engagement surveys, career coaching/planning is chosen as one of the most common requests in organizations

However, employees do not invest enough time to assess their preferences. This makes it harder to guide them and direct them to many exciting opportunities.

Most of the time, managers lack the necessary skills to coach their teams in such a delicate issue.

Finding the balance between personal aspirations and organizational opportunities is a journey.


Career Coaching Program through the SparkUs Platform

A coaching program that is feasible, scalable and provides high ROI.

Our Approach

In order to balance the personal and the organizational priorities, one needs to clarify personal aspirations and then explore the opportunities in the organization. Therefore, we designed the SparkUs Career Coaching Program as a journey, starting from the individual vision towards organizational success.

Digital Coaching Steps

  • Life Vision: Helps employees to clarify their expectations from life.
  • Self-Assessment: Enables talents to evaluate their strengths in par with your organization’s traits.
  • Career Vision and Goals: Helps employees to define their compelling career future.
  • Roadmap: Provides talents a clear path to plan development actions.
  • Support: Employees engage with their managers, mentors, and other relevant program stakeholders to receive feedback and plan actions.

Human Elements

Managers, mentors, HR business partners or coaches support the employee to finalize the digital journey with sense-check, lifting personal blockages, and deepening the process.

Additional Features

  • Training of managers, mentors and/or HR Business partners

  • Internal Coach / Mentor Matching algorithm

  • Self-service mentor / coach selection algorithm

Unlock the superpowers of your employees

Contact us to explore how SparkUs can contribute to your employees and company
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